RESEARCHInnovation Platforms

Key Laboratory of Growth Regulation and Translational Research of Zhejiang Province

The Key Laboratory of Growth Regulation and Translation Research of Zhejiang Province leads genetic and translational medicine research related to tissue organ growth regulation, relying on our high throughput screening facility, mass spectrometry capabilities, and laboratory animal center.

The laboratory focuses on biological size, function, manipulation, and disease, building on our organ growth control research studies. We combine genetics, cell biology, biochemistry, and physical methods in a multidisciplinary approach using artificial intelligence, clinical medicine, neuropsychology, and pharmaceutical chemistry to carry out basic and applied research.

Our research focuses on (1) the role and mechanism of growth regulation in fruit flies, (2) biological functions and mechanisms governing mammalian organ size and growth, and (3) research and development of disease diagnosis and treatment through organ size regulation mechanisms.
